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5.9d | White (MRG)

You may have noticed a few videos starring Brandon. Well for weeks now, we’ve had a nickname for this white route. This is a clean show, but lets just say it is five letters and rhymes with ‘the twitch’. Time after time we both tried it and both failed. Usually in the same spot. Last week, this route broke Brandon’s new beaner. Well he has since defeated it, but until today, I hadn’t had a chance to send this mean old bitty.

975 | (MRG)

5.9d | Arthur Page

This was a bit of a technically tricky clip. I succeeded on the fourth attempt but the beginning part of the video was corrupted so I had to borrow footage of the first three holds from a before failed attempt. You should notice a different belayer at the end from the beginning (Thank you Scott and Brandon). At 975 (5.9+), this is to date the technically most difficult climb that I’ve attempted.

5.8 | Marathon (MRN)

5.8 | Marathon (MRN)

This route is one of the best I’ve ever climbed. It was a winding and difficult route spanning a doorway then climbing above it. It snaked back and forth like a river up the wall. I assumed from my initial look that it went straight up but as soon as I placed my hands on the starting point I realized why they call it Marathon. Thank you Metro Rock North for this gem!
