This route is in the back corner next to the auto-belay and it is a douse. It’s a blue route with some nice corner work in the middle but the top is all tiny holds. This route isn’t rated yet but we have a spoiler for you.

This route is in the back corner next to the auto-belay and it is a douse. It’s a blue route with some nice corner work in the middle but the top is all tiny holds. This route isn’t rated yet but we have a spoiler for you.
You may not have noticed but I haven’t been on a lead route in more than a year. I’ve also never captured a clean climb on a lead route, ever! The sadness ends today with this 5.8 route at evo Rock + Fitness in Portland, aptly named ‘Rub the Belly.’
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This green route faces the benches on the center pillar and was a fun one with some nice features.
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If you scroll down a few you’ll see that this route below but the previous climb was done on top rope. This time around I sent it on mock lead.
Okay, so I have to be honest, I may have cheated a bit here. You might not see it but let me explain.
Lately I’ve been pulling out footage from the vault of unedited clips. Well here is one from the present. Read more
Contrary to the name of the route. This route was totally for us. I’ve climbed it a few times but the great thing that I like about this route is that I almost always forget the ideal path and have to figure out the middle fresh. Read more
It has been more than a long time since I have been climbing and about as long since I posted a video.
I was surprised to see the long gap in the podcast episodes so I’ve been digging around in the vault to bring out some unedited climbs. Here is a blast from the past, a clip featuring my former anchor Brandon. Here we are climbing what looks like a 5.8 pink route back in March ’15.
Podcast: Download (305.0MB)
This unmarked route starts a bit tricky but it is smooth sailing all the way to the top after the first two holds. This was as much fun the first time around as it was the second. A great warm up if ever there was one.
Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:27 — 197.6MB)
Noah, Brandon, and I all raced to Fort Williams from work and made it in before they close at sunset. This was the maiden voyage of our new Camp Tricam Evo cams that we had to wait a week to use. Read more
Brandon Udelhofen takes this 5.8 on lead at Brooklyn Boulders in Boston, MA set to Reflecktor by Arcade Fire.
Podcast: Download (Duration: 4:24 — 83.3MB)
This route is one of the best I’ve ever climbed. It was a winding and difficult route spanning a doorway then climbing above it. It snaked back and forth like a river up the wall. I assumed from my initial look that it went straight up but as soon as I placed my hands on the starting point I realized why they call it Marathon. Thank you Metro Rock North for this gem!
Podcast: Download (549.0MB)